Kalka Chandigarh train

Kalka Chandigarh train

Most of the broad gauge trains on this section like Shatabdi express, Paschim Express and Himalayan Queen originate and terminate at Kalka but some trains like Unchahar Express, Chandigarh Lucknow express, Jodhpur Chandigarh Express and Jaipur Chandigarh Garibriath express trains start and terminate at Chandigarh.

If you want to come to Kalka from Chandigarh by train there are not much options and there is no connecting train also. Travel by bus or taxi is the best option. There is taxi stand at the Chandigarh railway station itself and one can reach Kalka in less than one hour. Toy trains to Shimla Start from Kalka. On the way you can enjoy the beauty of nature.

Chandigarh Kalka Distance is 27 kilometers only and travel time is about 30 to 45 minutes.

Kalka Chandigarh train timetable

Train No. Train Name Source Departure Destination Arrival
12006 Kalka shtbdi Kalka 06:15:00 Chandigarh 06:45:00
12012 Kalka shtbdi Kalka 17:45:00 Chandigarh 18:15:00
12312 Kalka Mail Kalka 23:55:00 Chandigarh 00:25:00
14096 Himalayan queen Kalka 16:50:00 Chandigarh 17:20:00
14796 Ekta exp Kalka 16:50:00 Chandigarh 17:20:00
14887 Klk bme express Kalka 21:45:00 Chandigarh 22:15:00
22926 Paschim express Kalka 10:20:00 Chandigarh 11:05:00
54304 Klk dli passenger Kalka 07:15:00 Chandigarh 07:50:00
54532 Ambala Kalka passenger Kalka 13:05:00 Chandigarh 13:35:00

Chandigarh Kalka Train Timetable

Train No. Train Name Source Departure Destination Arrival
12005 Kalka shtbdi Chandigarh 20:45:00 Kalka 21:20:00
12011 Kalka shtbdi Chandigarh 11:13:00 Kalka 11:45:00
12311 Howrah-Delhi-KLK Mail Chandigarh 04:00:00 Kalka 04:40:00
14095 Himalayan queen Chandigarh 10:35:00 Kalka 11:10:00
14795 Ekta exp Chandigarh 10:35:00 Kalka 11:10:00
14888 Barmer klk exp Chandigarh 05:10:00 Kalka 05:50:00
22925 Pashchim exp Chandigarh 15:50:00 Kalka 16:30:00
23008 U a toofan exp Chandigarh 05:10:00 Kalka 05:50:00
54303 Dli klk pass Chandigarh 23:00:00 Kalka 23:40:00
54531 1uk shuttle Chandigarh 19:35:00 Kalka 20:20:00

Kalka to Shimla train timings

Kalka Shimla railway train timings | train types

Kalka Shimla railway toy train journey is an added attraction for tourists visiting Shimla. Economical, deluxe and premium services for travelers on the Kalka-Shimla rail section are made available by the Indian railways.  The time table is set as per further train connectivity and general tourist requirements. Special  holiday special  trains are also run during the holiday season. Visit the Indian railways website for the latest update on timings and services from there you can do the online booking.

Types of Kalka Shimla toy  trains

The Kalka Shimla trains can be divided into three categories economical, deluxe and premium. Economical are the cheapest and premium services are the costliest.

More information

Kalka Shimla railway booking | History of Kalka Shimla railway trains | Kalka Shimla toy train photos

Economical Category toy trains

Kalka Shimla Mail

This is the oldest train service available on this track. This train takes less than six hours to reach either side. There are wooden coaches attached in this train with small windows and also there are plain wooden seats with no cushions. This train stops at Shoghi also.

The Himalayan queen

This is an improved version with new coaches and this is the most popular train today. It has cushioned standard chair car seats with large windows for greater views and good ambiance. It takes a little less time than the mail train. More on Himalayan Queen

Shimla Kalka Vistadome coachKalka Shimla Express

A new modern vistadome coach having see through roof has been attached to this Kalka Shimla Express train from Jan 2019 onward. The train number is 52453 / 52454

Deluxe Category toy trains

The deluxe Rail Motor Car ( discontinued from 26th Jan 2019, Replaced with Kalka Shimla Special train)

The Deluxe Rail Motor Car is a visual delight as it resembles a bus of the Second World War vintage. Carrying 14 passengers at a time, it reaches its destination in 4.25 hrs. The car is fitted with a transparent fiber-glass roof, for a clear view of the sky. Time-cum-temperature display unit, altimeter and route indication board gives valuable information while traveling.

The Shivalik Deluxe Express

The Shivalik Deluxe Express is a connecting service to Howrah-Kalka Mail for Shimla. It accommodates 120 passengers and reaches its destination in 4.45 hrs. Only  Shivalik Deluxe train booking will be open three months before from travel date.

The coaches are equipped with wall-to-wall carpeting, wide glass windows and reversible cushioned chairs. Improved lighting and a music system creates a pleasant atmosphere. The fare for both Deluxe Rail Motor Car and Shivalik Deluxe Express is the same with a complimentary meal at the picturesque Railway Station of Barog. More information on Shivalik Deluxe

The Kalka Shimla Special

The new Kalka Shimla special toy train 52459 / 52460  has been launched by the India Railways from 26th January 2019 on trial basis. This train will run on the Rail motor car timings which has been discontinued thereafter. More information on Kalka Shimla Special toy train

This is the most expensive luxury train on the Kalka Shimla section and will have a fair of Rs 650 either side.

[pe2-image src=”https://lh4.ggpht.com/-iyM9yLhj5Eo/UcQ3i4BMRkI/AAAAAAAABuQ/OieRduG1SSk/s144-c-o/Kalka%252520Shimla%252520Train%252520Photo.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100975793388107024396/ToyTrain#5891895284799915586″ caption=”Toy train with a new engine on on its first run” type=”image” alt=”Kalka Shimla Train Photo.jpg” pe2_single_image_size=”w170″ ] [pe2-image src=”https://lh6.ggpht.com/-wfRJlFL1Zu4/UcQ3jSToqLI/AAAAAAAABuY/-DJuaGZFPo0/s144-c-o/Kalka%252520shimla%252520train.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100975793388107024396/ToyTrain#5891895291856595122″ caption=”Shimla toy train pulled by Steam engine” type=”image” alt=”Kalka shimla train.jpg” pe2_single_image_size=”w170″ ] [pe2-image src=”https://lh5.ggpht.com/-pfY13pVMmMY/UcQ3nXGTUvI/AAAAAAAABvI/fTqEVnxdsJQ/s144-c-o/rail%252520car.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100975793388107024396/ToyTrain#5891895361862324978″ caption=”Rail Car at Barog railway station” type=”image” alt=”rail car.jpg” pe2_single_image_size=”w165″ ] [pe2-image src=”https://lh3.ggpht.com/-Od7gcTjsn60/UcQ3qBOy1WI/AAAAAAAABwA/e_B2T9OQxo4/s144-c-o/toy%252520train.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100975793388107024396/ToyTrain#5891895407531971938″ caption=”Shimla Kalka Train” type=”image” alt=”toy train.jpg” pe2_single_image_size=”w165″ ]

Premium Services

Vista Dome tourist Coach

A new modern vistadome coach having see through roof has been attached to this Kalka Shimla Express train from Jan 2019 onward. The train number is 52453 / 52454. Modern Amenities include air conditioning, large windows with roller blinds, new upholstery, wooden flooring etc.

The Shivalik Palace Tourist Coach

The Shivalik Palace Tourist Coach provides a luxurious ambience for a dream holiday. It can accommodate a part of six persons and is equipped with folding cushioned bed, refrigerator, on-board-kitchen and dining table with cushioned chairs.  The fare includes complimentary accommodation of two luxurious retiring rooms at Shimla for the day and free meals en-route.

The Shivalik Queen Tourist Coach

A comparatively late entrant on the Kalka-Shimla section is the Shivalik Queen, which is a luxury coach. It is divided into two portions consisting of two coupes each. The coach is equipped with ultramodern facilities and fittings like wall-to-wall carpets, altimeter, fancy lights, chrome plated luggage rack. These coaches are attached to other trains as per requirements.

If you have any complaint or suggestion related to Kalka Shimla Railway, please contact:

Director (Tourism & Catering), Railway Board, Rail Bhawan, Raiseena Road, New Delhi – 110001

Ph. No. 011-23384922 | Fax no. 011-23383000 | Email: dctg@rb.railnet.gov.in

Kalka to Shimla train timings / timetable

Train Number Name From Departure To Arrival
52455 Himalayan Queen Kalka 12:10 Shimla 17:20
52457 KLK SML Pass Kalka 03:30 Shimla 08:55
52459 KLK SML Special Kalka 05:10 Shimla 09:50
52451 Shivalik Deluxe Kalka 05:45 Shimla 10:35
52453 KLK SML express Kalka 06:20 Shimla 11:35
52459 Him Darshan Express Kalka 07:00 Shimla 12:55

Kalka Shimla holiday special trains run in the peak tourist season only

Train Number Name From Departure To Arrival
02451 Kalka Shimla Special Kalka 07:00 Shimla 12:10
02453 Kalka Holiday Special Kalka 12:45 Shimla 06:10

Shimla to Kalka train timings / timetable

Train Number Name From Departure To Arrival
52456 Himalayan Queen Shimla 10:40 Kalka 16:10
52458 SML KLK Pass Shimla 14:20 Kalka 20:10
52460 SML KLK Special Shimla 17:25 Kalka 22:05
52452 Shivalik Deluxe Shimla 17:50 Kalka 22:45
52454 SML KLK express Shimla 18:30 Kalka 23:30
52460 Him Darshan Express Shimla 03:50 Kalka 09:15

Shimla Kalka Holiday Special trains: these run in the peak tourist season only

Train Number Name From Departure To Arrival
02452 Kalka Shimla Spl Shimla 15:50 Kalka 21:10
02454 Kalka Holiday Spl Shimla 09:25 Kalka 15:20

Kalka Shimla Toy train Photos

Kalka Shimla Toy train Photos

The Kalka Shimla railway is a world heritage site more than 100 years old. Popularly called toy trains, the train journey is a unique experience by itself with more than 100 tunnels and 800 bridges in the 96 kilometers track. We have collected photos of Kalka Shimla trains,  Himalayan Queen photos, the Shivalik Deluxe train photos, pictures of Shimla and Kalka Railway stations and photos of train passing through mountains and valleys. This will entice you to visit Himachal Pradesh and enjoy the toy train ride. The view from  the train window is very beautiful.

Kalka Mail from Kalka to Delhi

Kalka Mail from Kalka to Delhi

Kalka mail, the train numbered 12312 runs from Kalka to Howrah and runs on all days of the week. It is one of the longest trains running in India, having 24 coaches (12 Sleeper, 2 SLR, 4 General, 1 First A/C, 2 3Tier A/C, 3 2Tier A/C), out these one AC 3 Tier is attached in Mugalsarai in the train from Howrah and detached in Mugalsarai in the train from Kalka on the return journey.

The Kalka mail is categorized as Super Fast train. The departure scheduled time from Kalka is 11.55 PM and the arrival time at Delhi at 6.30 PM. So this is an overnight train from Kalka to Delhi.

Kalka mail train fare from Kalka to Delhi

The fare per person for 1AC is Rs. 1085  2AC Rs. 640, 3AC Rs. 455 and SL class  is Rs 175 from Kalka to Delhi.

Shimla Kalka connecting train to Kalka Mail

The evening Shivalik Deluxe toy train from Shimla to Kalka, and evening passenger train has connectivity to this train for onward journey for Delhi and beyond. The Kalka Delhi train departs only after arrival of these toy trains even if they are late, so you need not worry about delay if you are travelling on these connecting trains.

Kalka to Shimla Himalayan Queen toy train

Kalka to Shimla Himalayan Queen toy train

Kalka Shimla Himalayan Queen (train number 52455) is one of the narrow gauge toy trains that run from Kalka to Shimla. The distance between Kalka to Shimla is 96 km and travel time is more than 5 hours as the trains travel at low speed due to hill terrain.

It is the connecting train for the Delhi – Kalka Shatabdi train which reaches Kalka at 11.45 a.m and the Delhi Kalka Himalayan Queen which reaches kalka at 11:10 AM.

Kalka Shimla Himalayan Queen Schedule / Timings

The departure time of Himalayan Queen toy train from Kalka is 12.10 pm and it runs on all days of the week. The expected arrival time in Shimla is 5.20 PM.  The travel time from Kalka to Shimla is 5 hrs 10 min. The average speed the train covers in an hour is 18 km.

The train stops at nine main stations , which are Dharampur, Kumarhatti, Barog, Solan, Salogra, Kandaghat, Taradevi, Jutogh and Summer Hill. The other stations it passes through are Taksal, Gumman, Koti, Sonwara, Kanoh, Kathleeghat and Shoghi where this train doesn’t have stoppages.

All these toy trains from Kalka to Shimla pass through 102 tunnels, which give thrilling experience to the passengers. The journey in these trains through the valleys and pine trees around is a wonderful experience for the visitors of Himachal and they always remember this ride in there mind.

Kalka Shimla Himalayan Queen train fare

There is only Chair Car coaches in this train and the fare from Kalka to Shimla is Rs.225 per person.

Shimla Kalka Himalayan Queen Schedule / Timings

This train number 52454 from Shimla to Kalka departs at 10.30 am from Shimla and reaches Kalka, the destination point at 4.10 pm.

Kalka to Shimla Himalayan Queen booking

The train tickets can be booked online 30 days in advance from the journey date from Indian Railways IRCTC website and its affiliate websites like makemytrip.com and Yatra.com.