Shimla to Manali Distance

Shimla to Manali Distance

The Shimla to Manali distance is 250 kilometers. The terrain is hilly so the travel time is about 9 to 10 hours. By road is the only mode for travel as there is no rail link between Shimla and Manali. Although there is an Airport in Shimla and Bhuntar ( Kullu, near Manali) there are no direct flights in between them.

Private and government deluxe buses are available between Shimla and Manali in the morning and evening only. Most tourists prefer to travel by taxi and all type of vehicles like Maruti Dzire, Etios, Tata Indica, Tavera, and Toyota Innova vehicles are easily available both at Manali and Shimla. More details will be given on Shimla to Manali article.

Four laning of this road is also going on at some places which will make the drive more convenient. Some tunnels are also in the making and will be operational in the coming months.