Chandigarh Haridwar travel guide

Distance 225 Kms travel time 5-7 hours

[adsense-codesquare]Chandigarh is well connected by road to almost every small and big town in northern India and also conveniently located within motor-able distance from a number of major cities of North India like New Delhi, Haridwar, Jaipur, Jammu, Jalandhar, Manali and Shimla.

National Highways 21 and 22 run through the city. Near perfect road condition and breathtaking views on either side of the road offers a pleasant drive.

The Inter-State Bus Terminus (ISBT) is located in Sector 17 (City Center), Chandigarh.

Chandigarh to Haridwar
City Distance Km
Ramgarh 20
Nariangarh 63
Kala Amb 73
Nahan Pass 87
Paonta Sahib 135
Dehradun 180
Haridwar 225

Distance, Road Map and driving instructions

The Chandigarh to Haridwar distance is 225 Kilometers and travel time is 5 to 6 hours. The road is partially four laned. There are two roads to Go to Haridwar from Chandigarh

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1) Chandigarh, Narian-garh, Kala Amb, Paonta Sahib, Dehradun Haridwar

2) Chandigarh Ambala, Yamuna Nagar, Roorkee, Haridwar

The first route passes through scenic places of Himachal Pradesh which is preferred if travelling by Car. Traffic is also less on this route and the road condition is excellent. Himachal Pradesh starts from Kala Amb. 

There is some steep curves and hill area from this place for about 25 kilometers. Take Nahan bye pass and travelling down the hill stop for snacks and recreation near he bridge on Yamuna river which has some good hotels and restaurants. 

There are no other eating joints up to Paonta Sahib from this place. The road has very less traffic and the scenic beauty is excellent. 

Do visit the famous Paonta Sahib Gurudwara and have Langar there. This elegant Gurudwara is also situated on the banks of the river Yamuna. Uttarakhand  Border just starts after Paonta Sahib and Dehradun starts from there. Haridwar is just 50 Kilometers from Dehradun

Luxury Volvo and other AC Bus Services

There are a number of ordinary buses available for Haridwar from Chandigarh but luxury Volvo and other AC buses are not available. Buses start from 5 AM in the morning and the frequency is high till 2 PM. There are very few buses in the evening and night. Buses of Himachal roadways, Punjab Roadways, Haryana roadways and Uttarakhand transport operate on this route which are in good condition and well maintained.

Private bus services between Chandigarh and Haridwar

There are no regular private AC and Volvo Chandigarh Haridwar bus services on this route. Chartered buses can be arranged on request through many travel agents available in sector 22 opposite the ISBT

Contact telephone numbers of other state transport departments at Chandigarh

Punjab Roadways Bus enquiry phone numbers

Chandigarh ISBT: 0172-2704023, 2606672

Himachal Roadways bus enquiry numbers

Chandigarh ISBT: 0172-2722625

Haryana Roadways bus enquiry numbers

Chandigarh ISBT: 0172-2704014

Chandigarh to Haridwar by train

Being at a diversion of northern railways from Ambala Chandigarh is connected to rest of India through Ambala only. There are no direct Chandigarh to Haridwar trains. One has to go to Ambala at a distance of 45 kilometers from Chandigarh to catch train for Haridwar. The following are the trains from Ambala to Haridwar

Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.

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