Delhi to Kalpa

In this article we will discuss about Delhi to Kalpa travel, distance , road map travel modes and other travel tips. Delhi being the capital of India has the best rail road and air connectivity with rest of India and World. For going to Kalpa most of the popular trains like Rajdhani Express, Duronto, Garibrath trains are up-to New Delhi only from most parts of India. So Delhi becomes a starting point for onward travel to Shimla Kalpa the most popular hill stations of Himachal Pradesh India.

Delhi to Kalpa Distance

Kalpa is far away from Delhi and Delhi to Kalpa distance by road is 565 kilometers and Delhi Kalpa travel time is 15 to 16 hours.

Delhi to Kalpa bus service

Ordinary buses are available from Delhi to Kalpa. Bus services are provided by Himachal Tourism, Himachal Roadways. Most of the buses start in the evening (4 to 7 PM). There are few buses in the morning and reach in the morning the next day.

Delhi to Kalpa bus fare

The bus fare charges by depends on according to tourist rush. The ticket is in the price range of 800-1000 rupees. Online booking facility is also available.

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 Delhi to Shimla flights to Reach Kalpa

Kalpa can also be reached by air from Delhi. Shimla Airport is the nearest airport (225 kilometers from Kalpa).  Indian Airlines has taken the initiative to operate Delhi Shimla flights daily.  Please check with the airlines office to get the latest update on this. Many times the flights get cancelled due to bad weather also.

 Delhi to Shimla by train to Reach Kalpa

If you are planning to go to Kalpa by train from Delhi then the nearest convenient railway station is the Shimla Railway station. Shimla is 225 kilometers from Kalpa.

Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.

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