Distance Between Kalpa and near by Places

Kalpa to Chitkul Distance

Chitkul is 61.2 Kilometers from Kalpa and will take 2:00-2:35 hours to reach. Chitkul is a village in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. Important stations on the route (Kalpa – Chitkul) are Karchham, Sangla, Shaung, Batseri, Rakchham.

Kalpa to Kaza Distance

From Kapla to Kaza distance is 196.6 Kilometers, it take 4:00-4:46 hours to reach. On the way you can view the beautiful Spiti valley which is also known as the cold desert of the Himalayas and also cover Nako, Tabo Monastery which is the oldest monastery.

Kalpa to Sangla

Sanlga is only 38.4 km from Kalpa and take 1 hour 34 min only. You can explore the vicinity around including an ancient Kamru fort & temple dedicated to Nages God.

Kalpa to Chandigarh/Kalka

Chandigarh/Kalka to Kalpa is 312 KM and takes 10 hours 33 min to reach. Enjoy the Scenic Himalayas. On the way you can cover Shimla the capital of Northern state of Himachal Pradesh.

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Kalpa to Sarahan 

Sarahan to Kalpa distance by road is (85.2 km) via NH5 and kalpa Sarahan travel time is 2 hours 39 min. On the way you can enjoy the beautiful Himalayas view.

Kalpa to Shimla 

Shimla to Kalpa is 223 KM and take 6 hours 37 min to reach. On the ways, stopover at Narkanda, Rampur, Sarahan if time permit.

Kalpa to Manali

It will take 9 hours 47 min to reach Manali and the distance is 294 Km. You can enjoy the scenic of snow clad mountains and greenery.

Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.

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