Chandigarh Distances

City Distance in Km
Ambala 45
Amritsar 223
Chamba 375
Dalhousie 335
Delhi 250
Dharamshala 250
Jaipur 496
Jalandhar 146
Jammu 355
Kasauli 70
Kullu 270
Ludhiana 96
Manali 320
Mumbai 1657
Pathankot 245
Shimla 118

Chandigarh is well connected to almost every small and big town in northern India. It is also conveniently located within motor-able distance from a number of major cities of North India. National Highways 21 and 22 run through the city. Near perfect road condition and breathtaking views on either side of the road offers a pleasant drive.

From Delhi (245 km), normally the journey takes around 5 hours, with most of the journey being along the NH 1, popularly known as the GT Road. Take a short break for refreshment at Oasis, a multiple facility arena managed by Haryana Tourism.

The Inter State Bus Terminus (ISBT) in Sector 17 is a modern complex with restrooms, retiring rooms, food outlets and reservation offices of RTCs.

The road transport corporations of Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh run deluxe coaches (some air-conditioned) to Chandigarh as do some private companies, including Indo Canadian Transport Company’s deluxe coach services

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Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.

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