Chandigarh weather in August

If you are planning to go to Chandigarh and want to know about the best time to go, then let us tell you that Chandigarh is situated in the foothills of the Shivalik hills, due to which there is favorable weather throughout the year. Chandigarh remains monsoon from the month of July and till September, in which there is a slight change in temperature due to rain. If you want to enjoy the rain, then the month of August is a good time to visit Chandigarh.

Chandigarh temperature in August

The temperature in August month may sometime drop down considerably and it can vary between 23 °C in nights and 32 °C during days. Sun hardly shows its presence and sometimes when rays come from dispersing clouds.  August month is one of the monsoon months in Chandigarh.

Monsoon is the best time to visit some other popular attractions, like Leisure Valley, Rock Garden, Sukhna Lake, Open Hand Monument, Capital Complex and Rose garden and a lot others.  Some places are missed due to peak tourist season. During monsoon, you can roam all those places very well. The rain changes the dry landscape of Chandigarh, and adds to the charm of a beautiful and greenery all around.

Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.

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