Chandigarh weather in September

Chandigarh is located in the foothills of the Shivalik Range of the Himalayas in the state of Punjab. The weather here is favorable throughout the year due to its high altitude. The city remains a popular tourist attraction due to a more planned city and lower crime rate, as it serves as a distant home for tourists from outside India.

Chandigarh temperature in September

Chandigarh is a very beautiful city that looks like a dream in a hurry. Most of the people come here to roam in the winter, which is the peak tourist season (October – March) of Chandigarh. But due to the monsoon, the temperature in the month of September also decreases, so that tourists can enjoy visiting Chandigarh. And they do not even have to face much heat. The average temperatures are around 32° C and the low temperature can dip to 21° C or below making very hard to resist. Earlier in July the rains are not cold but as the time progresses, by the end of September cold winds are experienced. Trying to dry up the humidity and freeing them from being bound to rooms during monsoons.

In September month’s pleasant weather the Chandigarh look attractive and beautiful, picturesque, magnificent attractive.

Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.

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