Dharamshala Weather in April Month

In the month of April Dharamshala temperature varies from 27° C during days, allowing visitors to wander around and its bit colder in nights with temperature dipping to 14° C. During this time, Dharamshala becomes crowded and over packed due to rush of tourists. Since it’s too hot in plains, visitors plan visits to Dharamshala to get respite from heat. The days are warm and nights are cooler but pleasant.

Dharamshala is always a tourist choice because of its pleasant and cold weather which is always there. However summer like in plains which is accompanied with scorching and problematic heat is rare. April means the blossoming time in the year and beginning of summer and therefore the best time to visit Dharamshala. In April new life is emerging. In Dharamshala the wait is over for just sitting in sun and gossiping. The orchard growers are hopefully caring their trees just like kids and other wild fauna is growing and struggling at their own.

It’s time to wear summer lighter clothes and get rid of heavier one. However, light woollen clothes will also be utilized if it rains. It is the right time to enjoy with family and friends. So stay healthy and experience the joy unlimited.

Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.

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